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C-Urge Kick-off Event

In the beginning of October, the C-Urge doctoral candidates and supervisors convened for a five day kick-off event to launch the project. Engaging with the presentations made by 19 speakers, the DCs received excellent training in ethnographic fieldwork, novel multimodal methods, data management, theory development, action research, citizen science, and more. The invigorating kick-off week sharpened the DCs’ skills for their future projects and fostered important collaborative relationships for the project ahead.

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Fieldwork planning and management

  1. Dalsgaard, Steffen and Morten Nielsen. 2016. Time and the Field. New York: Berghahn books.

  2. Emerson, Robert M., Rachel I. Fretz and Linda L. Shaw (Eds.) 1995. Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes. The University of Chicago Pres.

  3. Fortun, Kim. 2003. “Ethnography In/Of/As Open Systems1.” Reviews in Anthropology 32 (2): 171–90.

  4. Kim Fortun. 2009. “Figuring Out Ethnography”. In Faubion, James D. and George E. Marcus, (Eds). Fieldwork Is Not What It Used to Be: Learning Anthropology’s Method in a Time of Transition. Cornell Paperbacks. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Pp. 167-183

  5. Pasieka, Agnieszka. 2019. “Anthropology of the Far Right: What If We like the ‘Unlikeable’ Others?” Anthropology Today 35 (1): 3–6.

  6. Rabinow, Paul, George E. Marcus, James D. Faubion, and Tobias Rees. 2008. “Dialogue V. In Search of (New) Norms and Forms.” In Designs for an Anthropology of the Contemporary, 73–92. Durham & London: Duke University Press.

  7. Rivoal Isabelle, and Noel B. Salazar. 2013. “Contemporary Ethnographic Practice and the Value of Serendipity: Ethnographic Practice and Serendipity.” Social Anthropology 21 (2): 178–85.


Multimodal, open and participatory fieldwork methods

  1. Lassiter, L. E. 2005. The Chicago Guide to Collaborative Ethnography. University of Chicago

  2. Schensul, J. J., & LeCompte, M. D. 2016. Ethnography in Action: A Mixed Methods Approach. Rowman & Littlefield.

  3. Tsing, Anna L., Jennifer Deger, Alder Keleman Saxena and Feifei Zhou, eds. Feral Atlas: the more-than-human Anthropocene. Published by Stanford University Press, 2021 ISBN 9781503615045 (


Fieldwork, well-being and safety

  1. Ayeh, Anna Madeleine. 2023. “Doing Fieldwork While Parenting: Between Challenging and Intensifying Structural Power Imbalances in Anthropological Knowledge Production.” Swiss Journal of Sociocultural Anthropology 28 (February): 24–40.

  2. Dumont, Jean-Paul. 1978. The Headman and I: Ambiguity and Ambivalence in the Fieldworking Experience. Austin: University of Texas Press.

  3. Heaton Shrestha, Celayne. 1970. “Emotional Apprenticeships: Reflection on the Role of Academic Practice in the Construction of ‘the Field.’” Anthropology Matters 9 (1).

  4. Nordstrom, Carolyn and Antonius C. G. M. Robben (Eds). 1995. Fieldwork Under Fire: Contemporary Studies of Violence and Culture. University of California Press.

  5. O’Hare, Paul. 1970. “Getting down to Writing up: Navigating from the Field to the Desk and the (Re)Presentation of Fieldwork.” Anthropology Matters 9 (2).

  6. Pratt, Mary Louise. 1986. “Fieldwork in Common Places.” In Writing Culture, edited by James Clifford and George E. Marcus, 27–50. University of California Press.

  7. Sluka, Jeffrey A. 2015. “Managing Danger in Fieldwork with Perpetrators of Political Violence and State Terror.” Conflict and Society 1 (1): 109–24.

  8. Sluka, Jeffrey Alan. 2020. “Too Dangerous for Fieldwork? The Challenge of Institutional Risk-Management in Primary Research on Conflict, Violence and ‘Terrorism.’” Contemporary Social Science 15 (2): 241–57.


Climate Urgency Theory Development

  1. Bandak, Andreas, and Paul Anderson. 2022. “Urgency and Imminence: The Politics of the Very Near Future.” Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale 30 (4): 1–17.

  2. Beck, Stefan, and Michi Knecht. 2016. “Crisis” in Social Anthropology: Rethinking a Missing Concept.” In The Handbook of International Crisis Communication Research, edited by Andreas Schwarz, Matthew W. Seeger, and Claudia Auer. ProQuest Ebook Central: John Wiley & Sons.  

  3. Cabot, Heath. 2023. “Crisis as Method: Critical Events and Moral Breakdowns.” Anthropology Today 39 (2): 12–14.

  4. Crate, Susan A. 2011. “Climate and Culture: Anthropology in the Era of Contemporary Climate Change.” Annual Review of Anthropology 40 (1): 175–94.

  5. Duclos, Vincent, Tomás Sánchez Criado, and Vinh-Kim Nguyen. 2017. “Speed: An Introduction.” Cultural Anthropology 32 (1): 1–11.

  6. Eriksen, Thomas Hylland. 2016a. “A Conceptual Inventory.” In Overheating. An Anthropology of Accelerated Change. London: Pluto Press.

  7. Eriksen, Thomas Hylland. 2016b. “Le Monde Est Trop Plein.” In Overheating. An Anthropology of Accelerated Change. London: Pluto Press.

  8. Farías, Ignacio. 2017. “An Idiotic Catalyst: Accelerating the Slowing Down of Thinking and Action.” Cultural Anthropology 32 (1): 35–41.

  9. Haarstad, H., J. Grandin, K. Kjærås, and E. Johnson. 2023. Haste: The Slow Politics of Climate Urgency. UCL Press.

  10. Herzfeld, Michael. 2023. “Ethnographic Responsibility: Can the Bureaucratization of Research Ethics Be Ethical?” Anthropology Today 39 (3): 3–6.

  11. Irvine, Richard D. G. 2020. An Anthropology of Deep Time: Geological Temporality and Social Life. 1st ed. Cambridge University Press.

  12. Irvine, Richard. 2014. “Deep Time: An Anthropological Problem: DEEP TIME: AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL PROBLEM.” Social Anthropology 22 (2): 157–72.

  13. Keck, Frédéric. 2016. “Preparedness.” In Lexicon for an Anthropocene Yet Unseen. Theorizing the Contemporary. Society for Cultural Anthropology.

  14. Masco, Joseph. 2017. “The Crisis in Crisis.” Current Anthropology 58 (S15): S65–76.

  15. Petryna, Adriana. 2018. “Wildfires at the Edges of Science: Horizoning Work amid Runaway Change.” Cultural Anthropology 33 (4): 570–95.

  16. Rojas, David. 2017. “Acceleration.” In Lexicon for an Anthropocene Yet Unseen. Theorizing the Contemporary. Society for Cultural Anthropology.

  17. Stephan, Christopher, and Devin Flaherty. 2019. “Introduction.” The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology 37 (1): 1–16.

  18. Vaughn, Sarah E. 2016. “Vulnerability.” In Lexicon for an Anthropocene Yet Unseen. Theorizing the Contemporary. Society for Cultural Anthropology.

  19. Vigh, Henrik. 2008. “Crisis and Chronicity: Anthropological Perspectives on Continuous Conflict and Decline.” Ethnos 73 (1): 5–24.

  20. Whyte, Susan Reynolds. 2008. “Discrimination: Afterthoughts on Crisis and Chronicity.” Ethnos 73 (1): 97–100.

Best practices in open/citizen science

  1. Ashepet, Mercy Gloria, Liesbet Jacobs, Michiel Van Oudheusden, and Tine Huyse. 2021. “Wicked Solution for Wicked Problems: Citizen Science for Vector-Borne Disease Control in Africa.” Trends in Parasitology 37 (2): 93–96.

  2. Brees, Jef, Tine Huyse, Julius Tumusiime, Grace Kagoro-Rugunda, Daisy Namirembe, Faith Mugabi, Viola Nyakato, Maxson Kenneth Anyolitho, Casim Umba Tolo, and Liesbet Jacobs. 2021. “The Potential of Citizen-Driven Monitoring of Freshwater Snails in Schistosomiasis Research.” Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 6 (1): 18.

  3. Turinawe, Emmanueil Benon, Jude T. Rwemisisi, Laban K. Musinguzi, Marije De Groot, Denis Muhangi, Daniel H. De Vries, David K. Mafigiri, and Robert Pool. 2015. “Selection and Performance of Village Health Teams (VHTs) in Uganda: Lessons from the Natural Helper Model of Health Promotion.” Human Resources for Health 13 (1): 73.


  1. Grace-McCaskey, Cynthia A., Briana Iatarola, Alex K. Manda, and J. Randall Etheridge. 2019. “Eco-Ethnography and Citizen Science: Lessons from Within.” Society & Natural Resources 32 (10): 1123–38.

  2. Herzfeld, Michael. 2023. “Ethnographic Responsibility: Can the Bureaucratization of Research Ethics Be Ethical?” Anthropology Today 39 (3): 3–6.

  3. Marino, Elizabeth, Joyce Rivera-Gonzalez, Mara Benadusi, Alexa Dietrich, Mo Hamza, Alessandra Jerolleman, Adam Koons; COVID-19 and All the Things That Kill Us: Research Ethics in the Time of Pandemic. Practicing Anthropology 1 September 2020; 42 (4): 36–40. doi:

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